Every website builder, that makes a website for Brightfish, should be aware of this:
Plausible Analytics
Site analytics are done with Plausible Analytics, not with e.g. Google Analytics.
Ask operations@brightfish.be for a dedicated counter like plausible.io/hellocinema.be. Also tell them who should get access to these stats.
You will get a piece of HTML code like, that should be included on every page.
<script defer data-domain="[domain]" src="https://plausible.io/js/plausible.js"></script>
OneTrust Javascript plugin
On the following 8 domains and all their subdomains, the OneTrust plugin (courtesy of Kinepolis) should be installed: brightfish.be, canneslions.be, cinemapub.be, cinevox.be, effectiveviews.be, hellocinema.be, movix.app, welovecinemadays.be
For the exact code check sushi.bybrightfish.be/websites/onetrust/setup/
The HTML code to use will look like this:
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice start for welovecinemadays.be -->
<script src="https://cdn.cookielaw.org/scripttemplates/otSDKStub.js"
data-document-language="true" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"
data-domain-script="18aacabc-5623-4fe9-9ec8-1c0ec74dacd8" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> function OptanonWrapper() { } </script>
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice end for welovecinemadays.be -->
and should be included on every page.
OneTrust settings button
Then the site also needs to provide a ‘check my cookies’ button. This should be put in the footer or the sidebar, included on every page.
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Settings button start -->
<button id="ot-sdk-btn" class="ot-sdk-show-settings">Cookie Settings</button>
<!-- OneTrust Cookies Settings button end -->
Cookie policy link
The website should have its own privacy policy. The website should NOT define its own cookie policy, but have one created on cookies.brightfish.be Ask operations@brightfish.be for this
There will be a FR and a NL link like this:
- https://cookies.brightfish.be/policy/welovecinemadays.be_fr/
- https://cookies.brightfish.be/policy/welovecinemadays.be_nl/
Ideally, there should be a link on every page.